Holiday Delivery Software Tools Like RouteSavvy Improve Delivery Efficiency While Reducing Operating Costs

Since the end-of-year holiday season has the highest volume for holiday deliveries, holiday delivery software tools like RouteSavvy route optimization are a consumer product business’s best friend. Retail businesses that deliver everything from gift baskets to wine, fresh fruit, chocolate, flowers, and more will find that route optimization allows them to deliver more gifts in the course of a day, while saving money on fuel costs.

The sheer volume of holiday deliveries during November and December is rather mind-boggling:

  • The United State Post Service expects to deliver more than 900 million packages between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, with the busiest delivery time occurring between Dec. 17th and Dec. 23rd. (Thank you holiday shopping procrastinators.)
  • United Parcel Services (UPS) reports that the busiest day for shipping holiday gift returns to online retailers is December 19th.
  • Chain Store Age Magazine reports that 10 peak traffic days during the holidays will account for roughly 50 percent of a retail operations holiday sales. These days include Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and specific days at specific intervals prior to Christmas.

Holiday Delivery Software Tools Facilitate Efficient Deliveries for General Times of High Volume & for Peak Delivery Days, Too!

During the holiday season, retail businesses handling personal or business gift deliveries face two distinct challenges:

  • One, handling the overall high volume of deliveries in general
  • Two, handling a high volume of deliveries on specific days known for unusually high volume

RouteSavvy Route Optimization for small to mid-sized fleet is one of a number of holiday delivery software tools that can help businesses meet the demand for holiday deliveries between Thanksgiving & January 1st.

Holiday Delivery Software Tools Ideal for Companies Handling Business Gift Deliveries

The Advertising Specialty Institute conducted a study of businesses that give gifts to customers and prospects during the holidays. Here are some statistics that highlight the need for efficient and timely deliveries by retail businesses:

  • Six in 10 companies planned on giving gifts to customers, prospects, and employees.
  • The most popular gifts for customers & prospects were:
    • Food/beverages (more than 50%)
    • Desk accessories
    • Writing instruments
    • Calendars

Given that food & beverages are the most gifted items for corporate business gifts at the holidays, it’s particularly important that retail businesses delivering food & beverages do so in a timely manner.

How Does RouteSavvy Serve As A Holiday Delivery Software Tool?

RouteSavvy Route Optimization Software is designed for small to mid-sized fleets up to 100 vehicles. RouteSavvy allows managers to plug in the addresses for the various deliveries, and RouteSavvy will generate an optimized route that drives the fewest miles.

By optimizing routes, retail and delivery companies in the business of delivering personal or corporate gifts can shoehorn more deliveries into each day, while also reducing miles driven.

RouteSavvy can:

  • Increase the number of holiday deliveries that can be completed per day (thanks to more efficient routing)
  • Reduce overtime labor costs that frequently occur during the holiday season (Drivers can accomplish more deliveries in a standard, 8-hour day)
  • Reduce fuel costs (through more efficient routing).

The bottom line is that any company that earns its living by making holiday deliveries should be deploying holiday delivery software tools like RouteSavvy route optimization software. In doing so, consumer/gift delivery businesses can handle more volume per day, reduce labor costs, and reduce fuel costs.

What’s more, RouteSavvy is so easy to use that fleet managers or managers in charge of coordinating daily deliveries can deploy RouteSavvy THIS holiday season & immediately start improving efficiency & saving money.

Interested in giving RouteSavvy a test drive? Try our free, 14-day trial.

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