How To Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs | RouteSavvy Route Planner Software

How To Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs With RouteSavvy Route Planning Software

Given that fuel costs account for 60% of a small to mid-sized fleet’s operating budget, it’s no surprise that one of a fleet manager’s biggest goals is to reduce fleet fuel costs. There are multiple strategies that can be put into place to reduce fleet fuel costs. But one of the fastest, most efficient ways to put a serious dent in the monthly fleet fuel cost bill is to deploy route planning software tools like RouteSavvy route planning software.

RouteSavvy Route Planning Software Reduces Miles Driven

Simply put, route planning software solutions like RouteSavvy help small to mid-sized fleet managers quickly & efficiently generate optimized routes for the fleet that reduce the miles driven. By reducing miles driven by the fleet, fleet managers can significantly reduce fleet fuel costs.

When a small to mid-sized fleet traveling to multiple stops per day for deliveries, pick-ups, service calls, or sales calls uses route planning software to optimize their routes, day after day, week after week, the savings really add up. What’s more, those direct savings from reduced fleet fuel costs are savings that can go straight to the bottom line, or to free up cash that can be applied to investments in equipment or talent to help the business grow.

Lawn Care Company Saves $100-$150 Per Week Using RouteSavvy

In the case of a tree & lawn care company that uses RouteSavvy, they deploy 18 vehicles per day from sales cars to pick-up trucks and boom trucks, with an average of 15 stops per day. By optimizing their routes, this tree & lawn care company is saving 2-3 hours per week of administrative and crew time, plus the fuel cost savings. As a result, this company is saving between $100 and $150 per week, or more than $5,000 per year.

A Comparison of Optimized Vs. Non-optimized Routes

Non-optimized Vs. Optimized Route | How To Reduce Fleet Fuel Costs With RouteSavvy Route Planning SoftwareWhen it comes to understanding how an optimized route helps companies save money by reducing miles driven, a picture is worth a thousand words. In the first example (a non-optimized route), it’s easy to see the wasted time and extra miles driven.  In the second example of an optimized route, it’s easy to see how much more efficient the route becomes, thus saving time, gas, and money.

When it comes to achieving a goal to reduce fleet fuel costs, one of the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective ways to reduce miles driven and reduce a fleet’s fuel spend is to deploy route planning software. RouteSavvy route planning software is powerful, affordable, and easy to learn and use.

If one of your goals as a fleet manager is to improve fleet efficiency and reduce your fuel spend, give RouteSavvy a try. Sign up for a Free 14-day Trial, and start saving money immediately.

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