
RouteSavvy User Guide – 4.1 – Directions Tab

The Directions Tab contains the results of route planning activities with RouteSavvy. It displays the default or selected route if multi-route features are being used. The Route summary is displayed at the top, followed by route turn by turn details.

Print button – Allows you to print the selected route to a printer.
Export button – Allows you to export the route in various formats to save locally or send to drivers etc. This included PDF, Excel, CSV, GPX options etc.
Mobile button – Allows you to create a mobile version of the route, that can be used directly on a mobile phone or tablet and integrates with mobile turn by turn apps e.g. Waze.
Display Options button – Allows you to customize the route and stop details that are being displayed in the Directions tab.

If you have questions contact RouteSavvy Support.