RouteSavvy Pricing
If you’re looking for route planning software for your small to mid-sized fleet, RouteSavvy pricing will fit your budget. Why?
It’s one of the most powerful – and most high-value – route planning software solutions on the market today.

RouteSavvy Pricing
Monthly pay as you go. Only pay for what you use.
$30 per month recurring charge. $99 one-time new account activation fee
Up to 30 credits per month.
Every 100 locations added = 1 credit.
Every route created = 1 credit.
* Payment via credit card or ACH-eCheck required. Payment method used will be automatically authorized for future monthly auto-payments. Cancel any time ($99 fee will apply for future re-activation of any cancelled accounts).
* On each month’s recurring payment date, previous calendar month’s credit usage will be applied. <=30 credits: standard $30 base auto-charge, 30-60 credits: $60 ($30*2), 60-90 credits: $90 ($30*3), and so on based on 30 credit increments, $30 per increment. Credit usage report will be provided via email notification after payment auto-charge for any month >$30 base charge.
RouteSavvy Route Planning Features
- Easily import locations via bulk spreadsheet upload
- Plan and optimize routes in minutes
- One-click, fast and effective route optimization
- No metering or limits on number of locations or routes
- Clear, uncluttered map-based stop and route views
- Up to 5 notes fields for additional data
- Text-based search to quickly find specific stops
- Customizable route starting and ending locations
- Optimize routes for time vs. distance
- Option to designate custom route stop order
- Customizable time duration for each stop
- Select stop and route map icons and colors
- Address quick-find bar with auto-suggest
- Create custom shapes on map to select stops
- Create territories using state, county or zip boundaries
- Optional map styles including aerial imagery display
- Multiple route export formats (text, pdf, csv, gpx, etc…)
- Save and easily share work using project files
- Browser-based auto-save feature
- Web-based software, no installing or updating
- Client-side storage provides robust data security
- Excellent usability across all major web browsers
- Option to use lat/long instead of addresses
- Auto-flagging of problem addresses and tools to correct
RouteSavvy Mobile + GPS Tracker Features
- Everything provided with RouteSavvy, plus:
- Easy to implement smartphone-based GPS tracking
- Visualize and track real-time driver GPS location and status
- Mobile smartphone app (both Android and iOS)
- Quickly and easily dispatch routes to driver app
- Capture photos and signatures as proof of delivery
- Live, real-time delivery status notifications for customers
- Ad-hoc creation of fixed route stop locations
- Exportable route summaries including delivery confirmation
- Driver notes can be updated from the field
- Turn multiple GPS traces on or off in display as needed
- Display up to 30 days of GPS history
- Export GPS history data
RouteSavvy Brings A MASSIVE Return on Investment (ROI)
Our customers report saving upwards of 10 times their monthly investment.