
RouteSavvy User Guide – 5.1 – Create Shapes

Creating shapes in RouteSavvy is useful for selecting locations or to manually create your own territories.

To create/draw shapes select the circles  , rectangles  , and or polygons  icon from the top of the map in RouteSavvy.

Draw Circle

Click left mouse to indicate circle center and then continue to stretch out circle extent. Once completed a right mouse click on the area opens the context menu with choice to permanently save the Shape to the Shape folder or dismiss the Shape. Cancel button (Escape key) aborts Shape drawing.

Draw Rectangle

Click left mouse to indicate rectangle upper left corner and then continue to stretch out rectangle extent. Once completed a right mouse click on the area opens the context menu with choice to permanently save the Shape to the Shape folder or dismiss the Shape. Cancel button (Escape key) aborts Shape drawing.

Draw Polygon

Click on map to indicate vertex Location and continue clicking to add vertice until complete. Double click or Finish button will close the polygon. Once finished a right mouse click on the area opens the context menu with choice to permanently save the Shape to the Shape folder or dismiss the Shape. Cancel button (Escape key) aborts Shape drawing.

Save Shape – When you draw a shape it is temporary shape. To save a shape, right click inside the shape and select “Save to Shape”, the shape color and opacity can be chosen. Saved shapes are stored and accessible in the Shapes section of the Map tab.

If you have questions contact RouteSavvy Support.