Bing Maps Version 8 Benefits To RouteSavvy |

RouteSavvy on Bing Maps v8

We are pleased to announce a new version of RouteSavvy based on Bing Maps Version 8. This upgrade significantly increases the map performance and adds some new features.

In addition to speeding the processing and display of optimized routes with multiple stops, RouteSavvy’s migration to Bing Maps Version 8 also provides additional features:

  • New Streetside View Menu Selections: RouteSavvy users can toggle over to a street-level view which is helpful in determining if the location is correct. To use Streetside view, just right click anyone where on the map and choose “Show Streetside”
  • Increased number of stops: The number of stops that can be shown in a print-out, PDF, or mobile app has increased from 20 to 100, and you can choose increments of 10. To use this new feature, in the export/print or mobile options, change the Number of Stops Per Map.

This release also includes many enhancements to help RouteSavvy users manage data and projects, including At-A-Glance Folder Counts, Project Name Display, and Save Project Prompts.

  • Folder counts: At a quick glance, users can see how many locations are in a folder/area which can help organize territories and routes;
  • Project name in exports: The project name is now displayed in RouteSavvy and relevant exports. This is very useful when users are managing many different regions or routes and can more easily switch between projects without losing context;
  • “Save Project” Prompts: This function provides an additional level of prompting for users to save their existing route planning before starting another.

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