
RouteSavvy User Guide – 2.0 – Quick Route

RouteSavvy User Guide – 2.0 – Quick Route

A Quick Route is useful if you have a spreadsheet (.XLSX or .CSV) which contains 300 or fewer locations that should all be on one route.  If your whole spreadsheet should all be on the same route, then Quick Route is the quickest way to go from upload, to optimization, to export.  If you have more than one route on the same spreadsheet, you may be able to use the “Folder” feature to create quick routes for all of the routes at the same time (more on this below).

There are multiple ways to create a Quick Route.

The first way (1) is to drag your file into the gray box on the “Welcome to RouteSavvy” dialog box when the RouteSavvy page first opens.  This will begin the data import process.  The second way (2) is to click “Choose File” and browse to the location of your spreadsheet.
You can also create a Quick Route from the Route Planner tab using the “Quick Route” button (3).

If you choose an Excel file with multiple tabs, the following dialog appears “Data Upload – Choose the worksheet” which allows you to choose which tab of your worksheet you want to upload.  RouteSavvy can only upload one tab at a time.

The next dialog box, “Confirm Stop Addresses”, allows you to choose which columns to use from your spreadsheet for the Address, City, and ZIP, or to use instead one column for the Full Address.  This is an “either/or” decision, so you will use either “Address, City, and ZIP” or you will use “Full Address”.

If you have formatted your spreadsheet according to the format given in our sample .CSV and .XLSX files, then you will not have to choose any columns here, RouteSavvy will simply show this dialog box for a moment and proceed to the next dialog box.

In the next dialog, “Route Options”, you can choose a name for your route, and the default start and end.  This default start and end will be pre-populated in any future route you create, until you change it.  To make a round trip, use the same address for both the start and end, but RouteSavvy also allows for an end-to-end route, simply choose the desired start and the desired end.  Please note that you can search here using points of interest, such as “LaGuardia Airport”, or you can search by entering an address.

You can also choose your default start time, whether you would like to optimize your route by the shortest time or by the shortest distance, and whether you would like to avoid highways or tolls.  The “shortest distance” optimization is advisable if you have a vehicle that cannot reach the speed limit, ie. a piece of heavy equipment that can only reach 25 miles per hour.

Once you have entered your information, press “Next”.  RouteSavvy will then put your addresses on the Route Planner tab and optimize them.  In the “Optimization Results” dialog box, you can use the “Mobile” button to export the route to the RouteSavvy Mobile App or to create a mobile link.  The “Export” button gives access to all of our other route export options:  text file (.TXT), .PDF format, .GPX format (to load directly to a GPS unit), and .CSV (this is helpful either to print out a simplified summary of the route, or to upload to other software).

The “Print” button allows you to send the route directly to your printer.  The “Map” button allows you to see the route on the map, and to access all the other RouteSavvy features.

To use the Folder feature, simply create a column with the header “Folder” and use a unique tag for each location, this could be “Route 01”, “Route 02”, or it could be your drivers’ names.  In this example, there are 10 different driver names and nearly 300 stops.

Follow the steps above for creating a Quick Route, upload your spreadsheet with the “Folder” heading, and you will have 10 unique routes within minutes.

If you have questions contact RouteSavvy Support.